In the rapidly evolving world of flexible packaging, the twin spectres of regulatory changes and environmental sustainability are reshaping industry practices. As the EU steers towards comprehensive packaging sustainability through its revised Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive, aiming for all packaging to be reusable or recyclable by 2030, UK’s packaging industry, spearheaded by innovators like Skymark and InterFlex, is rising to the challenge​​.

The UK’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its improved recycling rates, with packaging waste recycling increasing from 59.2% in 2014 to 63.2% in 2021. This progress is catalysed by the UK’s Plastic Packaging Tax, aimed at encouraging the use of recycled plastic, thus promoting a circular economy​​. Skymark and InterFlex, as pioneers in the field, are responding proactively to these regulatory and environmental imperatives with several key innovations:

  1. Elevating Recycled Content in Personal Care Packaging: Skymark has significantly increased the recycled content for SKYMAX in its personal care products, notably achieving 55% recycled content in tissue overwrap and 30% in both PE and PP laminate structures for wet wipes with our SKYMONO range. This not only aligns with global sustainability trends but also sets a precedent in the personal care sector, demonstrating the feasibility of high recycled content in sensitive product categories.
  2. Expanding Paper-Based Product Portfolio: In a bold move towards sustainable alternatives, our expanded range of paper products, such as twist wraps for premium confectionery, is replacing traditional plastic and aluminium wrappers. This initiative responds to consumer demands for eco-friendly packaging and showcases paper as a viable, premium substitute for traditional materials.
  3. Innovating with High Barrier Paper Structures: Catering to a diverse range of sectors including confectionery, cosmetics, and various food products, InterFlex high barrier paper structures address one of the sustainable packaging’s biggest challenges – maintaining product integrity. These structures provide effective alternatives to traditional packaging materials while ensuring product quality and shelf life, whilst being kerbside recyclable.
  4. Optimising Efficiency with Ultra Low SIT: Our increased production of Ultra Low Seal Initiation Temperature (SIT) packaging material PE and CPP – SKYLENE, enhances manufacturing efficiency and reduces energy consumption. This innovation exemplifies how operational efficiency and environmental sustainability can be synergistically aligned.

These innovations reflect a commitment to not just comply with regulatory demands but to lead the way in sustainable packaging solutions. Skymark and InterFlex are setting industry benchmarks, demonstrating that environmental responsibility and commercial viability can coexist harmoniously.

The future of flexible packaging is clearly trending towards sustainability and innovation. The strides made by Skymark and InterFlex serve as a blueprint for the industry, proving that proactive adaptation to regulatory changes and a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship are not just ethical choices, but savvy business strategies.

In conclusion, as we navigate the transformative landscape of flexible packaging, Skymark and InterFlex stand at the forefront, blending innovation with sustainability. Our journey thus far illustrates our dedication to crafting solutions that not only meet the highest environmental standards but also deliver on quality and efficiency. As we look ahead to 2024, we invite you to join us in this exciting evolution.

Collaborating with our team offers a unique opportunity to tailor and personalise packaging solutions that resonate with your brand values and market demands. Reach out to us, and let’s explore how we can work together to bring innovative, sustainable products to the market, paving the way for a greener, more responsible future in packaging. Together, let’s shape a sustainable tomorrow.

We are excited to announce that Skymark Packaging International has been acquired by TOPPAN’s subsidiary, InterFlex Group. This acquisition marks a significant milestone in our journey and aligns perfectly with our enduring commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Toppan acquires Skymark

Left to right: John Turner, Mehrdad Toofanian, Masahiko Tatewaki & Graham Tilley

Broadening Our Service Offerings

Headquartered in Scunthorpe, Skymark has always been devoted to sustainable packaging solutions. Our diverse range of speciality blown, flat cast, and embossed PE and PP films will continue to serve our valued customers. This acquisition not only expands our footprint in the UK and the EU but also accelerates our reach into the food, converter films, and non-food segments.

Managing Director of Interflex Group, Graham Tilley, said;

Skymark’s capabilities in film manufacturing and merging of their strength in non-food segments such as personal care, hygiene and medical products complement InterFlex Group’s position in food packaging.

The combination of Skymark and InterFlex Group will help drive our sustainable packaging ambitions in mono-polymer and paper-based packaging and bring both further business development and growth.

Embracing Synergies and Global Growth

Masahiko Tatewaki, Managing Executive Officer and Head of Global Packaging at TOPPAN, states,

We are very excited to welcome the talented Skymark team to the TOPPAN Group. TOPPAN acquired InterFlex Group in July 2021 and will start production of GL BARRIER in the Czech Republic at the end of 2024.

This acquisition enables us to maximise synergies in the TOPPAN Group with its global footprint and accelerates expansion of our global packaging business. Skymark’s blown and cast extrusion capabilities also allow us to strengthen vertical integration, our core business strategy.

Toppan acquires Skymark

Skymark Packaging, Interflex Group and Toppan: Day 1

John Turner, Founder and Managing Director of Skymark, adds,

We are thrilled to join the TOPPAN family and align our innovative sustainable packaging solutions with a global leader in the industry. This acquisition marks a significant milestone for Skymark, enabling us to leverage TOPPAN’s extensive resources and technological prowess. We remain deeply committed to our current sectors, within personal care, technical films, hygiene and medical; while also being very excited to accelerate our growth within the food sector through the synergies that this acquisition brings

For our existing and future clients, it’s “business as usual” but with enhanced capabilities. We will continue to provide the high-quality, innovative packaging solutions you’ve come to rely on, fortified by the considerable resources and technologies of TOPPAN and InterFlex Group.

For more details about the technologies we will be leveraging, such as TOPPAN’s proprietary GL BARRIER products, please visit TOPPAN’s website.

At Skymark Packaging International Ltd, we pride ourselves on our passionate team members who go above and beyond in driving our mission to provide innovative, forward-thinking flexible packaging solutions. Today, we are exceptionally proud to announce that our Compliance & Accreditations Manager, Shaine Gill-Ohrt, is a finalist in the Unsung Hero Category for the Plastics Industry Awards 2023.

What Makes Shaine an ‘Unsung Hero’?

Shaine Gill-Ohrt has been an integral part of Skymark Packaging International Ltd for over 11 years, serving as our Compliance and Accreditations Manager. In a role that demands unparalleled diligence and attention to detail, Shaine never fails to deliver. He oversees a multi-faceted range of responsibilities, from managing ISO 9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 accreditations to leading initiatives in waste management and energy reduction. As the designated Hygiene Manager, he also shoulders the responsibility for all customer site audits.

Beyond the checklist of duties, Shaine has mastered the art of meticulous questionnaire and audit management, and managing and ensuring compliance to Extended Producer Responsibility, PRN, Climate Change Levy and Plastic Packaging Tax – tasks that many might find overwhelming but are critical to our operations.

Although his work often goes on behind the scenes, the entire team deeply values his contributions. His effort serves as the backbone of our compliance and quality assurance, recently culminating in Skymark achieving its BRC AA+ rating and being awarded a Silver Medal by Ecovadis. Shaine is the unsung hero who turns the cogs that keep our compliance machine running smoothly.

The Plastics Industry Awards: A Brief Overview

Now in its 22nd year, the Plastics Industry Awards have firmly established themselves as a platform for recognising and rewarding excellence in this increasingly competitive market. The awards will take place on Friday, 17th November at the InterContinental London Park Lane. The judging panel comprises 20 independent judges representing every part of the UK plastics industry.

A Testament to Our Values

Shaine’s nomination is not just a personal achievement but also a testament to Skymark Packaging International Ltd’s commitment to quality, compliance, and innovation. As we look forward to the awards ceremony, we celebrate the hard work and dedication that make Shaine a deserving nominee for this prestigious award.

We are thrilled to announce that Skymark Packaging International Ltd has been awarded the Silver EcoVadis Medal, a significant recognition in the field of corporate sustainability. The EcoVadis Medal is not just a badge but a testament to a company’s commitment to ethical, environmental, and social standards. It serves as a benchmark, demonstrating our dedication compared to other companies in the EcoVadis database. While the medal is not an endorsement of our products or services, it does signify our positive intent and efforts in improving sustainability management performance.

Criteria for the Silver EcoVadis Medal

The EcoVadis Medal has strict criteria that focus on four main themes: Environment, Ethics, Labour & Human Rights, and Sustainable Procurement. To earn a Silver Medal, a company needs to be in the top 25% of companies assessed, with an overall score between 59 and 69. Furthermore, there are specific minimum scores required in each theme area, which are:

  • Environment: Minimum score of 30
  • Ethics: Minimum score of 30
  • Labour & Human Rights: Minimum score of 30
  • Sustainable Procurement: Minimum score of 25
How Skymark Met the Requirements

At Skymark, sustainability is not just a buzzword; it’s embedded in our DNA. Our fully integrated production processes—ranging from Blown PE, Cast PP and PE, to Flexographic printing and beyond—are designed with environmental sustainability in mind. Our initiatives include:

  • Energy-efficient machinery that minimises waste
  • Use of recycled and recyclable materials in our products
  • Employee training programs focused on sustainability best practices

Our efforts have been validated with a high EcoVadis score, positioning us among the top 25% of companies assessed. This score reflects our practices across all four theme areas, substantiating our holistic approach to sustainability.

Earning the Silver EcoVadis Medal is a remarkable milestone for Skymark Packaging International Ltd. It aligns with our company statement: “We look to enable & inspire every individual and organisation to do more, using less.” This recognition reiterates our commitment to providing innovative, forward-thinking flexible packaging solutions that are rooted in sustainable practices.

But what does this medal mean for our team and customers? For our team, it’s a validation of the hard work and dedication that goes into making our operations as sustainable as possible. For our customers, it’s an assurance that when you collaborate with Skymark, you’re partnering with a company that holds itself to the highest ethical and environmental standards.

We see this achievement not as the finish line but as a marker on our ongoing journey toward greater sustainability. We are committed to continuous improvement and are excited about the path that lies ahead.

New changes in the tax rate and penalties for non-compliance take effect on April 1st, 2023, as the “soft landing” period comes to an end.

The final meeting of the Industry Working Group for the Plastic Packaging Tax took place yesterday at the Treasury, where important changes to the tax were discussed and finalized. The tax rate has been increased from £200 to £210.82, in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate. These changes will come into effect on April 1st, 2023. This change comes as the “soft landing” period for the tax draws to a close in April, and non-compliant companies will now face fines.

The Plastic Packaging Tax, which was introduced as a measure to encourage the use of recycled materials in plastic packaging and reduce plastic waste, has now become more stringent. With the end of the “soft landing” period, businesses that fail to comply with the tax regulations will be subject to penalties.

Key changes to the tax regulations include:

  1. Tax rate increase: The tax rate has been increased to £210.82, in line with the CPI inflation rate, to ensure that the tax remains effective in encouraging the use of recycled materials and reducing plastic waste.
  2. End of the “soft landing” period: The one-year grace period for companies to adjust to the new tax rules is ending in April. Starting from April 1st, 2023, non-compliant companies will face fines for failing to meet the tax requirements.
  3. Late return submission penalties: Companies that submit their tax returns late will now be fined. Late payment rules have been modified to bring the Plastic Packaging Tax in line with other taxes.
  4. Interest charges for late payments: Companies that submit their tax payments late will be charged interest on the outstanding amount.
  5. Penalties for non-submission: Companies that fail to submit a return will not only be fined but will also have their tax obligations estimated by the authorities.

As the Plastic Packaging Tax becomes more stringent, it is crucial for businesses to be aware of these changes and ensure their compliance. Companies are urged to review their current practices, make necessary adjustments, and submit their returns and payments on time to avoid fines and penalties. The increased tax rate and the introduction of stricter enforcement measures signal the government’s commitment to reducing plastic waste and promoting a more sustainable future.

In light of these changes, Skymark remains committed to innovation and development in relation to recycled content across our product ranges. Our continuous efforts in sustainability and eco-friendly packaging solutions will help our customers adapt to the new tax regulations while contributing positively to the environment.

It was time for our annual BRCGS Packaging Audit recently, only this time with the added spice of an unannounced visit. As BRCGS veterans and AA rating holders since the rating’s introduction in the standard’s Issue 5 in 2016, the team were equally calm and apprehensive of their first ever unannounced inspection – a requirement which only recently crept into the GFSI Benchmarking criteria.

With the Auditor keen to ensure he arrived on the shop floor within the prescribed 30-minute timeline for unannounced visits, our team lost no time at all to showcase the incredible efforts of our production teams. In familiar fashion, our Compliance Manager Shaine Gill-Ohrt, supported by Louise Anderson, took the auditor through every aspect and element of the system and our site to ensure that the Audit covered all of the requirements.

The outcome? A fantastic AA+ rating awarded to us, with the joint lowest level of NCRs in our certification history. What makes our most recent streak all the more impressive, is that we have successfully navigated the increased scrutiny laid upon us by having had the pleasure of hosting 2 of only 12 BRCGS Approved UK Auditor Training Partners as our certification Auditors for the past 5 years. So, it is fair to say that these 2 have given our system the most thorough assessment we could have asked for.

A superb testimony to the continuing efforts of our teams to ensure we truly embed our integrated management system and process-based thinking in all that we do.

Shaine Gill-Ohrt – Compliance Manager

At Skymark Packaging, we take great pride in producing high-quality plastic flexible packaging for our customers. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve recently passed our unannounced BRCGS audit with flying colours, achieving a grade of AA+ BRCGS. This is a huge accomplishment for our company, and we’re excited to share the news with our valued customers.

For those who may be unfamiliar, BRCGS is a globally recognised accreditation body and one of 2 GFSI benchmarked schemes, underwriting certification to a host of standards, such as Food Safety, Packaging and Transport. It’s a rigorous certification process that evaluates a company’s practices and procedures, with the goal of ensuring that their products are safe, legal, and of a high quality. At Skymark, we’re committed to meeting and exceeding these standards, and our AA+ BRCGS grading is a testament to that commitment.

So what does this mean for our customers? First and foremost, it means that they can trust us to produce packaging that meets the highest standards of safety and quality. Our BRCGS certification is a mark of assurance that our products are manufactured in a way that minimises the risk of contamination, and that our processes are designed to ensure consistency and reliability.

But beyond that, our AA+ BRCGS grading is a reflection of our commitment to continuous improvement. We’re always looking for ways to enhance our processes and make our products even better, and our BRCGS certification is just one way we demonstrate that commitment. By working with Skymark, our customers can be confident that they’re partnering with a company that is dedicated to providing the best possible products and service.

We’re incredibly proud of our recent achievement in passing our BRCGS audit with a grade of AA+. We know that our customers rely on us to provide safe, high-quality packaging solutions, and we’re committed to continuing to meet and exceed those expectations. Thank you for choosing Skymark Packaging as your partner in flexible packaging – we look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.

Skymark’s Study on Plastic Packaging CO2e and Benefits for Businesses and Environment

Reducing your carbon footprint has become an increasingly important issue in recent years, as the negative impacts of climate change have become more apparent. As individuals, we can take steps to reduce our carbon footprint by changing our lifestyle and consumption habits, but it is also important for companies to take responsibility and make changes to reduce their carbon emissions. One way that companies can do this is by focusing on reducing the carbon footprint of their packaging, particularly plastic packaging, which has a significant impact on the environment.

In partnership with Benchmark Consulting, Skymark conducted research on the carbon footprint of its SKYMONO range of material vs the “standard” alternative. The study aims to provide data that can help companies make more informed choices when it comes to reducing their environmental impact. The company’s commitment to reducing its CO2 by half by 2030 and being net-zero by 2050 is part of the SME Climate Hub, a global initiative launched by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The methodology used in the study involved updating all web systems with the CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) figure, with all material CO2e data sourced from EcoInvent using database 3.8 (2022) cut-off data. This uses the 100-year impact assessment, which is generally regarded as appropriate for packaging. The CO2e data for machines is based on a ‘high performance’ profile, assuming modern machines during the production process. The machine supporting assumptions can be made available upon request.

The unit of measure used to express CO2e impact is kg/kg. This is defined as the kilos of CO2e released into the atmosphere over a 100-year period per kilo of material used. All data for machines is based on real-life energy consumption in the market, with energy consumption converted to CO2e using IEA data, whereby an EU average was used. The Skymark specifications assume MOQ as 25,000m², with width 480mm, cut-off 190mm, and 8 colours printed Flexo.


The study found that Skymark’s SKYMONO BVP specifications are, on average, 15% less CO2e than the alternatives using BO-PE/PE.EVOH material. The yield improvement of the Skymark specifications is the key driver to the reduced CO2e. Interestingly, PP has a higher CO2e impact than PE, with 2.28 (CO2ekg/kg) versus 1.96 (CO2ekg/kg). Although the Skymark solutions use predominantly PP, whereas the alternatives use PE as a base in the sealing layer, the Skymark solution benefits from a lower g/m² and therefore an increased yield. In short, Skymark specifications are 4% lighter in weight than the alternative specifications.

Reducing the carbon footprint of plastic packaging can be achieved in a number of ways. For example, using recycled materials or reducing the amount of plastic used in packaging can significantly reduce the overall carbon footprint of the product. This can have a positive impact on the environment, but it can also benefit the brand by driving consumer interest.

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the impact that their choices have on the environment, and many are actively seeking out products that are environmentally friendly. By reducing the carbon footprint of their packaging, companies can appeal to this growing market and differentiate themselves from competitors. In addition to the environmental and consumer benefits, reducing the carbon footprint of packaging can also have financial benefits for companies. By using less plastic or recycled materials, companies can reduce their material costs, which can have a positive impact on their bottom line.

There are also regulatory and legislative drivers for reducing the carbon footprint of packaging. Governments around the world are introducing new regulations and targets to reduce the use of plastic and to increase the use of recycled materials. Companies that proactively make changes to reduce the carbon footprint of their packaging can position themselves as leaders in the industry and can avoid potential penalties or fines in the future.

Skymark’s research on the carbon footprint of its packaging materials is an excellent example of how companies can proactively identify areas for improvement and make changes that benefit both the environment and their bottom line. By being part of the SME Climate Hub, Skymark is demonstrating its commitment to taking action on climate change and being a leader in the industry.

The study conducted by Skymark has provided valuable data that can help companies make informed decisions when it comes to reducing their carbon footprint. The methodology used in the study provides transparency on the CO2e impact of different materials and machines used in the production of packaging. This information can help companies identify areas for improvement and make changes that reduce their carbon emissions.

As consumers become increasingly environmentally conscious, it is crucial for companies to take responsibility and make changes to reduce their carbon emissions and environmental impact. By reducing the carbon footprint of their packaging, companies can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, differentiate themselves from competitors, and potentially reduce costs. In addition, there are regulatory and legislative drivers that make reducing the carbon footprint of packaging a smart business decision.

In conclusion, reducing your carbon footprint is important for both individuals and companies, and reducing the carbon footprint of plastic packaging is one way that companies can make a positive impact. Skymark’s research provides valuable data that can help companies make informed decisions when it comes to reducing their carbon emissions. By being part of the SME Climate Hub, Skymark is demonstrating its commitment to taking action on climate change and being a leader in the industry. Companies that take action to reduce their carbon footprint can benefit from environmental, consumer, and financial benefits, as well as positioning themselves as leaders in the industry.

Introducing SKYMONO BVP, the innovative new high-performance PP packaging solution designed for the FFS packaging sector. This polypropylene structure offers exceptional gas and aroma barrier properties that ensure the freshness and quality of perishable products, making it an ideal choice for modified atmosphere packaging applications.

SKYMONO BVP is a game-changer in the world of packaging, offering outstanding optical properties and compatibility with normal ink systems in reverse printing, making it an ideal choice for packaging that requires high-quality graphics and branding. The film’s water-based barrier coating, sets it apart from the competition, making it an environmentally friendly choice for companies looking to reduce their environmental impact.

SKYMONO BVP fully recyclable PP high barrier laminate

SKYMONO BVP provides improved barrier protection against mineral oils compared to non-barrier films. This makes it an ideal choice for packaging dry food products, such as snacks and cereals, as well as a wide range of other consumer goods. The film is also lap sealable to PP films for monomaterial proposals, reducing the need for additional materials in the packaging process.

In terms of sustainability, SKYMONO BVP’s claim of a reduction of 15% CO2e* compared to its PE alternatives is a significant factor in its position as a top-performing, sustainable, and recyclable product in the UK. CO2e, or carbon dioxide equivalent, is a measure of the total greenhouse gas emissions produced by a product or activity. By reducing its CO2e emissions by 15% compared to its PE alternatives and also its packaging weight, SKYMONO BVP is demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and reducing its environmental impact.

We’re especially proud to launch SKYMONO BVP as it utilises all of our assets as a vertically integrated packaging supplier, extruding our own CPP enabling us to engineer a high speed form, fill and seal product.

Dan Richards – Sales & Marketing Director

In addition, as a polypropylene film, SKYMONO BVP is fully recyclable, making it a more sustainable choice for companies looking to reduce their waste and environmental impact. This, combined with its exceptional gas and aroma barrier properties, outstanding optical properties, and compatibility with normal ink systems, makes it a top-performing, sustainable, and recyclable product in the UK packaging industry.

SKYMONO BVP is an innovative, high-performance packaging solution that provides the ultimate protection for dry products while also being environmentally responsible. Its exceptional gas and aroma barrier properties, outstanding optical properties, and compatibility with normal ink systems make it an ideal choice for companies looking to take their packaging to the next level. Its commitment to reducing its CO2e emissions, combined with its recyclable properties, places it at the forefront of sustainable and environmentally responsible products in the UK

*All CO2e calculations verified by Benchmark CO2e calculation model

At SKYMARK, we are dedicated to providing our customers with innovative packaging solutions that meet their needs and support their sustainability goals. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our newest addition to our line of polyethylene-based structures: SKYMONO BVE.

This high-barrier option is an evolution of our SKYMONO range, SKYMONO BVE is the ideal choice for extending the shelf life of food products. And best of all, both versions are widely recyclable in Europe through existing streams and are OPRL compliant in the UK for front-of-store drop-off.

SKYMONO BVE recyclable high barrier PE

We believe that everyone should be able to do more while using less, and that’s why we’re passionate about providing forward-thinking packaging solutions. Our commitment to sustainability is evident in the launch of SKYMONO BVE, which offers an alternative to conventional multi-material laminates without sacrificing high-speed filling line efficiency.

SKYMONO BVE is engineered to be clear, strong, and resistant to damage, making it the perfect choice for premium-shelf packaging. Its superior puncture and tear resistance, combined with its reduced CO2e compared to similar PE alternatives, make it an environmentally friendly choice. Plus, its superior low seal temperature allows for optimal speeds and a wide operating window, making it ideal for a range of applications, including dry foods, frozen foods, pet treats, and cheese/meat products.

The launch of SKYMONO BVE is a clear demonstration of our commitment to sustainability and our customer’s sustainability goals. This new product provides an ideal alternative to conventional multi-material laminates without affecting high-speed filling line efficiencies

Dan Richards – Sales & Marketing Director

Key Features:

  • Exceptional gas and aroma barrier
  • Best performance for high quality printing
  • Good mechanical stability
  • High transparency
  • Engineered for high speed FFS applications
  • Improved barrier to Mineral Oils compared to non-barrier films

We believe in the power of this product to make a real difference for our customers and the environment. That’s why we’re excited to offer SKYMONO BVE in film on a reel, and a choice between matte or gloss registration. And for those looking for a PP alternative to PE, we also offer a range of SKYMONO BVP and other recyclable film and paper-based flexible packaging solutions.

SKYMONO BVE has been designed with the latest technology in material science. It provides high-performance packaging solutions while maintaining a focus on sustainability. This product will make a real difference to our customers and the environment.

Paul Glover – Commercial Technical Director

Join us at the Packaging Innovations expo in Birmingham, England from February 15-16 to see samples of SKYMONO BVE and learn more about how we can help you achieve your sustainable packaging goals. Get in touch with us today to schedule a meeting or to learn more about our forward-thinking packaging solutions.

Are you ready for the ultimate packaging experience? We are very excited to be exhibiting at the Packaging Innovations Show at the NEC in Birmingham on February 15th and 16th at stand J84. As a company, we look to enable and inspire every individual and organisation to do more, using less. With our passion and desire to listen and give a personalised, collaborative experience, we provide innovative, forward-thinking flexible packaging solutions.

As one of the top suppliers in the industry, we will be highlighting our commitment to sustainability by showcasing our recyclable materials and products such as SKYMONO E, SKYMONO P, and SKYMAX. With a focus on the entire packaging journey, from primary and secondary packaging to contract packing and fulfilment, this event is the perfect platform for companies like ours to share our expertise and generate awareness for our brand.

In addition to the exhibition, the conference features 3 stages and top industry speakers from brands like Warburtons, Iceland, Innocent Drinks, and The Body Shop.

At the show, we will be showcasing some of our most innovative and sustainable products, including SKYMONO E, SKYMONO P, SKYMAX and SKYLENE.

Product launch:

SKYMONO BVE recyclable high barrier PE

SKYMONO BVE is a fully recyclable high barrier PE based laminate that is suitable for a variety of flow wrap applications. It is an excellent choice for packaging that requires high barrier dry and wet food.

One of the key benefits of SKYMONO BVE is its fully recyclable material, making it an environmentally friendly packaging option. Additionally, SKYMONO can have a low seal initiation temperature, which means it can be easily sealed using a variety of sealing equipment

SKYMONO BVP is a fully recyclable PP based laminate that is suitable for a variety of flow wrap applications. It is an excellent choice for packaging that requires high barrier for dry and wet food.

One of the key benefits of SKYMONO BVP is its reduced packaging weight, which is lower than many other recyclable materials. This can help reduce shipping costs, CO2 emissions, and the impact of packaging tax. Additionally, SKYMONO BVP can have a low seal initiation temperature, which means it can be easily sealed using a variety of sealing equipment.

SKYMONO BVP recyclable high barrier PP laminate

Other product on show include;

SKYMAX is a high-performance PE based blown material suitable for a variety of applications including fully opaque photography bags, IQF frozen food products, and a range of industrial and construction applications. The highly robust material is made using LDPE, LLDPE, and mLLDPE resins that can be tailored to suit your specific needs. SKYMAX is available in a range of colors and gauges ranging from 25mu to 120mu, and it also features additional options such as UV protection, antifog, and antiblock.

SKYMAX R is a range of high-performance PE based materials suitable for use as standalone film or as a backing web in laminate structures. It is especially well-suited for the dry tissue overwrap sector, including toilet tissue, and kitchen roll. SKYMAX R is available in gauges starting at 25mu and has a recycle content of at least 30%. It has a high gloss, matt/gloss, or matt/matt appearance to suit its end application. SKYMAX R is produced on both a blown and cast PE extrusion line in Scunthorpe, UK.

SKYLENE: As one of the leading cast PP film producers in the UK, Skymark is perfectly positioned to support the local market with high quality CPP convertor materials. Our SKYLENE products are suitable for a wide range of end applications and offer a variety of benefits including custom sealing films with excellent seal bond strength and low S.I.T. down to 105°C, anti-staining properties, easy-tear applications, peel, antifog, and more. Our CPP films also have excellent printability based on high transparency, optimized stiffness, and tear resistance.

Don’t miss your chance to connect with us at Packaging Innovations Show and discover how we can help you create the future of your brand’s packaging. We look forward to seeing you there!

Register for the event here: